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The computer as a mind tool

The Computer As a Mind Tool In Megatrends, his popular book on the direction of western society, John Nesbitt discusses the many trends that currently affect our lives. One important concept that he presents is the information society—that is, a society in which the majority of the workers are involved in the transmittal, or sending […]

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Aaachoo a change your life forever social media concept

AaaChoo A Change your Life Forever Social Media Concept “A successful friend tipped me off about a brand new marketing system that is simple and powerful and Its ‘automatic’ features help ordinary people earn serious income in their spare time from home, with an awesome system called Aaachoo” states independent affiliate David Davis of Murrieta […]

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The art of enamel inlay in sterling silver

The Art of Enamel Inlay in Sterling Silver 925 One of the next most public methods of Russian silver 925 and enamel is the Cloisonnes chic. The Basse Taille handle of Russian Silver 925 with enamel is like to the Champleve course on silver 925 or gold. Transparent enamel is then practical to the depressions, […]

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Teeth whitening is it enough?

Bad hair day? Cover it up with a hat. Pimple? Overnight cream or concealer will do the trick. Bad dresser? Get tips from any of those magazines on the newsstand. Stained or Discoloured teeth? Big Price to pay and too long to wait, or is it…Having a sparkly Hollywood smile used to be what it’s […]

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