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Jewelry ever present in our lives

Jewelry – Ever Present In Our Lives Stone Age paintings show the folk of that time wearing adornments around their necks and wrists. Although they will probably have had some deeper meaning, this is the first evidence we have of what we now know as jewellery. The ancient Egyptians are who we have to thank […]

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Ideal accessories for that special date

Ideal Accessories For That Special Date First impressions are everything, but trying to decide what to wear for that special date with the man of your dreams can see most women turning out their entire closet and yet still not finding the perfect ensemble. Everything either feels too plain or too fancy, or it simply […]

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Want smooth legs without using razors or waxing strips

Want Smooth Legs Without Using Razors or Waxing Strips? If I asked you to name some things that you felt made you feel sexy as a woman, I bet smooth legs would be near the top of your list. Why is this? It’s because they look great, and it’s because they feel great – to […]

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Finding the right bridal hairstyle for your big day

When planning your wedding there are so many things to think about. The venue, the guest list, the dress, the bridesmaids, the food and much more all need to be planned out to create the perfect day. As a bride you of course want to look your best, after all you are the focus of […]

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