Looking Good In Three Figures Back in the day, there were many choice slurs to run a fellow down, but somehow nothing was more damningly dismissive than to sneer that he wore a cheap suit. Then, of course, there came a new generation for whom the very term “suit,” cheap or no, was an even […]
Christmas Lost And Found Christmas was a quiet affair when I grew up. There were just my parents and I. I vowed that someday I’ d marry and have six children, and at Christmas my house would vibrate with energy and love. I found the man who shared my dream, but we had not reckoned […]
Real Tinnitus Causes If you are suffering from hearing a ringing sound in your ear, you need to know the root tinnitus causes. There is no cure for this problem. Doctors can recommend medications but only temporary. Some would seek the help of natural and alternative cure. You can also find others offering treatment. There […]
“6 Classic Principles of Transcendent Beauty” It seems to be hard-wired into our genes to want to be attractive and beautiful.The cosmetic industry knows it, and so do cosmetic surgeons–and their profits continue to pour in. But there are secrets to an ageless and infinite beauty that is within reach of all of us, without […]