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Top white gold engagement ring

Top White gold engagement ring Men’s diamond rings are one the elegant pieces of men’s jewelry. Earlier, diamonds were considered a girl’s best friend, now men also have started appreciating the beauty of diamonds and diamond jewelry. Diamond jewelry has now become popular with celebrity men such as actors and pop stars choosing to wear […]

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Quantity theory of money

One of the oldest, widely accepted functions of government is control over the supply of money. The dramatic effects of changes in the quantity of money on the level of prices and the volume of economic activity were recognized and thoroughly analyzed in the 18th century, and monetary economics has ever since constituted one of […]

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Tips on getting the best hair coloring

6 Tips on Getting the Best Hair Coloring Hair dyeing is already considered as a fashion statement. As much as we love to cut and style our hair, we also love to color our hair with the latest and trendiest dye. Though it appears that it is difficult choosing the right hair coloring, it is […]

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Runway modeling skills

Runway Modeling Skills You may not know that you have skills of killer catwalk model to be in a runway show or high fashion model. And it is must for runway modeling. The walk on the runway is what sells a designer’s clothes and you are uncomfortable with catwalk it will directly affected on the […]

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