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Sweet home

sweet home my life at home………..Days start and pass away without the knowledge of ours.it is hard to believe that i am 20 now.It seems that it was just like yesterday ,i was going to school with my “HERCULES”bicycle  15 kms away from my house.It was really difficult and tiring task to do.In school ,I […]

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Pit bulls heartworms

Pit Bulls & Heartworms Pit Bulls and HeartwormsBy: je DunnIt is surprising how many people are still confused about heartworms and the effects that a heartworm can have on your pit bull dog.First lets look at what heartworms are and how your dog can become infected.Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes into the dog’s blood stream. […]

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Alcohol withdrawal needs qualified support

For anyone who drinks heavily there comes a time in your life where you will either decide to quit or face a life situation where you must quit. Regardless of why you quit it is a life changing decision and I want to show you the best ways to keep your eye on the goal […]

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Attract beauty attract a lover attract money attract happiness try using a good luck charm

Attract Beauty, Attract A Lover, Attract Money, Attract Happiness! Try Using A Good Luck Charm! Use The Law Of Attraction And A Good Luck Charm To Attract The Things You Desire! For many centuries, people have had a fascination with, and an interest in, Good Luck Charms and Amulets. These little mystical and magical beauties, which […]

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