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Homemade lotion recipe there are so many wonderful rcipies here

Homemade Lotion Recipe, There Are So Many Wonderful Rcipies Here Homemade lotion recipe, when I started my little arts and crafts time, I never thought I could make some of the Spa products I found here. Hello, I am writing this to help people find out what I did. When I first started toying with […]

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A gift for robby

A Gift for Robby Little Robby, our neighbor’s nephew, carefully spooned some of his water ration into a saucer and started for the door. How I hated this water rationing. We were forced to bathe without soap in the deep little pond we shared with Jessie, our cow. She was all we had now. Wells […]

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Reports on the merger

Reports on the Merger In this section we will look at attitudes toward the merger over time as reported in the media. As you will see, those attitudes varied. Throughout 1998, views of the merger were generally positive even though cautionary voices spoke as well. From the beginning there was concern that the merger was […]

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Is the brazilian blow dry worth it?

The Brazilian Blow Dry is ideal for anyone who struggles to tame their curly or frizzy hair. As a curly girl myself I know how hard it is to try and smooth curls and frizz. It takes hours of blow-drying and battling with straightening irons just to get it smooth and even then I have […]

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