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Public relations consultants

Public relations consultants Today public relations have become the best tool to influence the decisions of people. This is the reason why the demand of public relations consultants is increasing day and night. It has emerged as one of the best career options for the people and more and more people are donning the new […]

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Acne diet details

Acne Diet Details Scientifically speaking there is no connectivity between problem acne and diet. Many doctors and experts clearly said that diet has nothing to do with problem acne. American Medical association clearly cited in their journal that diet plays no role in treating acne. Surprisingly the whole scenario is going in the other way […]

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Us leadership is public relations is being threatened

U.s Leadership Is Public Relations Is Being Threatened The rise of multinational corportations, global marketing, new communica¬tions technologies, and shrinking cultural differences have led to an unparalleled increase in global public relations or PR. Surprisingly, since modern PR was largely an American invention, the U.S. leadership in public relations is being threatened by PR efforts […]

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Journalists are professional cynics

Journalists are professional cynics. If your mother says she loves you, we say: “Check it out.” Now we can, and so can you — for only $ 149.99! That’s the price of certainly in love and life, brought to you by Trustier, a new software program that purports to turn your PC into a lie […]

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