When you pool money from private lenders, you’re putting funds together from two or more different private lenders. You obviously need to look at doing something different where your states paperwork is concerned. This means you will need to file paperwork with your state and provide a disclosure document to your potential private lenders. In […]
Why Silver Topaz Jewellery Is A Perfect Gift This Holiday Season Silver rings is something that stands distant from the respite still there are many different types of clothes that one can here to their near and beloved one as gifts. The symbols of the zodiac and the pebbles associated with the being the main […]
Lime Magazine are Proud Media Partners of You're Beautiful, Woman! 2010 Two of London’s most colourful, culturally vibrant and entertaining businesses are coming together to brighten up your summer. You’re Beautiful, Woman! is a fun yet constructive and educational event celebrating black female beauty in all its forms; fashion, hair, beauty, fitness with a […]
How To Work When You're Tired Up late last night? Couldn’t get to sleep, or woke up just to stare at the ceiling for hours in the middle of the night? Or are you just plain tired? We all have days when we just don’t feel energetic and with it. But when you’ve got work […]