Hunting for the perfect Replica Balenciaga bag I have long been telling the story of my collection being Balenciaga-less. It is still Balenciaga-less, even though Vlad and I were on a mission to find me the perfect first Balenciaga bag when we were in NYC. What went wrong you ask, I’ll tell you below. We […]
It Is Right To Get A Pair Of Ugg Classic Tall Boots When you see some well-known celebrities walks out in that delicious and warm ugg boots. Do you feel a consuming passion that why you need a pair of, too. Is there anything cuter, sexier and warmer than a pair of ugg classic tall […]
Relish the Moment Tucked away in our sub consciousness is an idyllic lie vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a […]
What are the best custom tattoo designs? If you’re considering taking the plunge and having some ink on the lower part of your back, you are well advised to think about having some ink designed especially for you so that your tattoo is as unique as it can be. Unfortunately, over the last few years, […]