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Looking fabulous in short curly hair style

Looking Fabulous In Short Curly Hair Style Short curly hairs are absolutely fabulous; but people shy away from this due to the limited styling options. The assumption is not true since there are various ways by which you can look really great sporting a short curly hair style.Please remember that short curly hair styles are […]

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The beauty of the beauty business

The Beauty of the Beauty Business by: Geoff Ficke My marketing consulting/product development firm reviews hundreds of prospective consumer products from every category imaginable, each and every year. Sporting goods, specialty foodstuffs, auto accessories, juvenile products, toys, games, shoes, jewelry, ready to wear and health and wellness products are only a short list of types […]

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Work your way through school selling wholesale jewelry

Work Your Way Through School Selling Wholesale Jewelry Students want cash and student jobs are depressingly low-paying. It’s hard enough to schedule classes, studies, and social life without having to make time for work. Part-time jobs shave considerable hours from your day that could be otherwise spent on class work, campus parties, or a multitude […]

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What your eyes tell about you

What Your Eyes Tell About You? Eyes are the window of us, they can tell a lot about us. Many experts believe that we can see your personality from your eyes. How could it be? The shape, color and “look” of your eyes actually say about you. It is an interesting phenomenon that really works […]

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