The Dowry The Dowry In the faraway world of the South Pacific, there is an island named Nurabandi and, nearby, another one called Kiniwata. The natives of these islands are all said to be very wonderful, to be fine and proud, but they still hold to the ageless custom of offering a dowry to a […]
Diamond Engagement Ring – A Perfect Choice A ring for the engagement will be a very cherished part in your life and it will stay with you for a long time. The engagement marks the new beginning of your life with your chosen life partner. It is a new episode in life and so, the […]
Wedding and your relationship Now a days it is said that marital relationships and bonding are now not so much strong as before. What is the problem that before it was ok but now it is not so strong among various couples? That the rate of divorce is rising. One of the most important and […]
The Beauty and Meaning of Birthstones Birthstones have been around since ancient times, and in those days were believed to possess some magical force that could ly linked to the Zodiac.However, modern birthstones are linked to calendar months, and each month has its own unique birthstone, with its own fabled properties. Many people love to […]