Humans and Animals are much more Similar Humans and animals are much more similar than scholars have led us to believe, and we share at least two fundamental aspects of behavior that have been used for centuries to define our differences and thus our humanity: culture and learning. Animal culture and the trans-mission of cultural […]
Where do Beauty Trends come from? 4-inch lotus feet. Lead-based face makeup. Hairlines plucked to create a longer forehead. Though these may sound like acts from the Circus of Beauty Shop of Horrors, they were all considered common beauty rituals at some point in history. So then just what, you ask, is beautiful? defines […]
Acne No More – Acne Treatment Reviews Acne No More is the #1 best selling acne ebook in the history of the Internet for a reason… Thousands of women and men of every age have completely cured their acne condition and achieved lasting clear skin naturally, without drugs, over the counters, creams or “magic potions,” […]