We Should Be Careful When Negotiating For A Job It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organization constrains influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: our chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don’t at least ask for it. Men tend […]
Cars of the Future The year 2010 will definitely usher in new dimensions in technology, not only in the field of communication but also in transportation. In less than 12 years’ time, the car that we now drive will practically drive it on specially built roads and provide its passengers with all kinds of conveniences. […]
Process of Intercultural Business Communication Intercultural business communication has three parts, as is illustrated in Exhibit 12.1-cultural strategy, business strategy, and communication strategy.7 The list of variables in each circle is not complete. You may think of additional aspects that influence each circle, but the variables listed are the major ones. A company may have […]
Understanding Autism Symptoms As autism is a disorder of the nerves and their development, resulting in some form of impairment in the social and communicative skills of the individual, theautism symptoms of each child will be different. Autism symptoms are normally displayed by children in their first couple of years of growth and development, and […]