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Colour me younger

Colour Me Younger Are you in need of a colour consultant? Have you ever had one of those moments where someone has thought you were older than you really are? At a 40th birthday party recently a woman asked my friend, “So when did you have your 40th?” At 36 my friend wasn’t exactly thrilled […]

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Brisbane beauty salon

Brisbane Beauty Salon Bridal Skincare Of course looking picture perfect on your wedding day isn’t just about your makeup routine. You need to start good skincare habits well in advance of your weddings. Reduce your intake of sugar, alcohol and salt. Sugar molecules can hook on to collagen fibers, causing your face to look wrinkled […]

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How latisse works

How Latisse® Works Latisse® is a prescription drug used to grow eyelashes that are thicker, fuller and longer. This product is the only one approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat hypotrichosis, a condition characterized by a lack of hair growth. About Hypotrichosis Some experts believe hypotrichosis is caused by incorrect genetic […]

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Stylish clarks shoes for every season

Stylish Clarks Shoes for Every Season It is hard to find a line of shoes that caters to every occasion and season, but sometimes that is because you are going off only an initial impression of a brand. At first glance, Clarks may seem to offer only professional work shoes, meant for the office and […]

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