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Silver eternity ring

Silver Eternity Ring Eternity rings are beautiful symbol of endless love and affection. The circle of the ring is the perfect symbol for eternal love. Eternity rings make very beautiful wedding rings or engagement rings. There are two types of eternity rings in general, full eternity ring and half eternity ring. The full eternity ring […]

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Why should you take up jewellery making

Why Should You Take Up Jewellery Making? Women simply cannot resist jewellery.  Jewellery may have different meanings for different people, but at the basic level, they are meant to accent an outfit or highlight our good features.  In short, they are meant to serve as our adornments.  Of course, not everyone can buy good jewellery, […]

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Beauty from the insideout

“Beauty From the Inside/Out” “Beauty From The Inside/Out” How many times have you heard you are what you eat…Sounds clich? but studies now suggest it’s not a wise tale. Ladies some gentlemen in America are known to spend billions of dollars each year on skin-care products packed with grandiose promises. You heard about the $1000.00 […]

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The smell of discount perfume is in the air

The Smell Of Discount Perfume Is In The Air The smell of discount perfume is in the air.  Fragrances seem to be everywhere,  influencing what we buy, the brands we like, and the celebrities we follow. The Memory of Discount Perfume Have you ever walked by a person you didn’t know and smelled a familiar […]

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