10 Most Famous Hollywood Party Girls Even though Hollywood’s Party girls seem to have taken a vacation recently, some say because the economic mess making Americans less likely to think their over-indulgence entertaining anymore, they are still active.Here is the Top 10.1. Paris HiltonParis Hilton can easily be the queen of the Hollywood party scene […]
Mother's Hand As teenagers we live in a different world from our mothers, a world where mothers hang out on the peripheries. Of course, almost everyone has one; they are unavoidable annoyances. Today, as I approach that edge, as I am the one with the teenage daughter, I look at my mother through different eyes. […]
Makeup – How To Become 10 Years Younger For Old Ladies Don’t kid yourself. In spite of what you may read about the “latest lip color” and “newest shade of eyeshadow”, much of the beauty industry and the image makers are still stuck in the past. Time for a dose of reality. Women (and men) […]
Men Can Also Age Gracefully – How? Three steps involved in keeping your self in good condition and to look young. Do not ignore these, there is no harm in following it. Try it, it can only do good to you and at no cost involved. Just a daily lifestyle and food habits changed to […]