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What is an eternity ring and what does it say

What Is An Eternity Ring, And What Does It Say? Despite what’s said in the vows- even though they are said in complete earnest at the time- a lot of weddings don’t last. It is deeply sad when partnerships break up, for all concerned, but it also reminds everyone that a marriage is an ongoing […]

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Natural beauty secrets for everyday women

Natural Beauty Secrets For Everyday Women Natural beauty doesn’t have to fade with age. Gorgeous skin and an attractive body are still within the grasp of women in their 50’s. As we grow older our bodies slow down on the production of collagen, which is the mesh of fibers that support the skin and give […]

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Three peach stones

Three Peach Stones Observe a child; any one will do. You will see that not a day passes in which he does not find something or other to make him happy, though he may be in tears the next moment. Then look at a man; any one of us will do. You will notice that […]

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Japanese bonsai tranquility and an important connection with nature

Japanese Bonsai: Tranquility And An Important Connection With Nature The gardening technique and art form that we acknowledge these days as “bonsai” was shown to have originated in China in the 3rd century during the Chin Dynasty. It was during the T’ang Dynasty, nearly four hundred years later, that the art form first appeared in […]

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